We are on mission to help others free themselves, recover from religion and learn more about the ideology, side effects and down right harmful "truths" of organized religion and emotional manipulation.
Childhood Indoctrination
How to take back your freedom?
Fear of Hell & Demons
Heaven, Joy and Peace.
Emotional Manipulation
Religious Addiction
Free Choice? Really?
Harmful Lies
Mythology Links
"Acceptable" Cults
Mind Control
Confusing "Truths"
Historical or God's word?
Why is it so confusing?
A Community, or is it?
Now What?
How do I free myself?
Shame, guilt & Burnout
Thought Crimes
Purity Culture
Get support and discovery your freedom.
Fear, Control & Lies:
Fear of Hell, mind control, and the use of harmful lies disguised as “truths.”
Freedom & Free Will:
The struggle for free choice, religious addiction, and reclaiming personal freedom.
Mythology & "Truth":
Exploring the links between mythology, "God's word," and the confusion around what’s presented as truth and history.
Community or Cult?
The fine line between religious communities and "acceptable" cults, and their impact on personal beliefs.
The Path to Freedom:
"Now what?" and "How do I free myself?" – navigating life after leaving religion.
Is it safe?